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2 Days Murchison Falls Safari

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2 Days
Availability : Jan 1' - Dec 31'
Murchison falls N. Park
Min Age : 12
Tour Details

Murchison Falls remain arguably one of the world’s most powerful waterfalls and with the 2 days Murchison Falls National Park, you get to experience what it feels like to stand before a loud gush of water pouring from a 7 meter gorge and smashing against rocks in the depression below. This safari package kicks off from Kampala to Murchison Falls with an overnight in the park.

2 Days Murchison Falls Safari Highlights
  • A Drive to the top of the Falls
  • Murchison Falls Park Game Drive
  • Boat cruise along the River Nile
  • Return to Kampala

Departure & Return Location

Entebbe International Airport / Kampala

Departure Time

3 Hours Before Flight Time

2 Days Murchison Falls Safari Price Includes

  • Park Entrance Fees
  • All Activities Mentioned
  • English Tour Guide
  • 1 Nights Full Board Accomodation
  • All transportation in destination location

2 Days Murchison Falls Safari Price Excludes

  • Guide / Driver Tips
  • Any Private Expenses
  • Room Service Fees
  • Extra Accomodation Before / After
  • Visa / Personal Insurance Fees
Your 2 Days Murchison Falls Safari Itinerary

Day 1Arrival at Murchison Falls National Park and a Boat Cruise

Our professional team will be waiting for your arrival at the designated pickup location very early in the morning and after that, you will be transferred to the park. The journey will take about 5 – 7 hours as you expect to spot some cool sites along the way. The guide will keep pointing out interesting cultural sites as you stop over to have lunch en-route.

Upon arrival, check into your lodge as you prepare for a late afternoon boat cruise on this 2 days Murchison Falls safari.

The boat cruise takes off from Paraa where endless hippos and crocodiles are immersed into the water to the base of Murchison Falls. You might have to ready yourself for the loud roar of the water as it crashes into rock in the devil’s cauldron below. After taking magnificent pictures of the waterfall against the setting sun, transfer back to the lodge for dinner and rest.

Day 2Morning Game Drive and a Return to Kampala

Wake up to an early breakfast and get settled into your safari vehicle for a game drive through the park. There are about 76 mammals in the park so be excited to catch some Elephants, Buffalos, Leopards, Lions, Uganda Kobs, Kuddu, Defassa waterbuck, Oribi, Jackson’s hartebeest, bushbuck, Warthogs and Hyenas. Enjoy some bird sightings as well.

After this mind-blowing experience in the wild, a departure from Murchison Falls National Park is due; your 2 days Murchison Falls safari has come to an end. You will enjoy a delicious meal en-route then drive back to Kampala or to Entebbe International Airport.
